The HEMA Alliance

We are a member of the HEMA alliance, a non-profit-service organization for the Historical European Martial Arts community. It is incorporated as an educational non-profit in order to provide a wide range of services, including insurance, training resources, and the HEMA club finder.

For insurance purposes, all members of IFG are also required to become HEMA alliance members. The cost is $26 yearly and includes discounts to many vendors and events.

Club Dues

We collect class dues monthly based on the number of our classes you attend each week - $35.00 for one class, and $45.00 for two or more, with a single time drop in fee of $15.00. These funds help us pay for training space, community events, team gear, and more. We are happy to be flexible on payments based on varying class attendance or personal hardships so please contact us if you have any questions.

Recurring Payments
One Time Payments