IFG Spring Fling: Tournament of Roses Longsword and Sword & Buckler Ruleset
Written by Anthony Zavin, Elliot Robinson, Joe Colistro and Dashiell Harrison, with thanks to everyone who provided feedback
Tournament Objectives:
Ruleset Focus:
The aim of this ruleset is to encourage fencers to avoid getting hit, be it by doubles, afterblows, or any other action. To this end, the ruleset is intended to punish sloppy fencing and reward fencers who defeat their opponents with techniques that keep them safe.
Inclusion and Participation Requirements:
The IFG Spring Fling: Tournament of Roses tournament intends to act as a testing ground for fencers to test their skill, technique and fencing ability against noncompliant opponents in the style of the European fencing masters of the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries.
The tournament staff reserves the right to decide on a case by case basis whether a fencer registered for any given tournament may participate.
The tournament staff may also disqualify and expel any given fencer from the tournament should the need arise.
These rules will be used for both the longsword and sword and buckler tournaments at the IFG Spring Fling: Tournament of Roses.
Our aim is for the tournament to be a space inclusive to all people, regardless of race, gender, ability or sexual orientation. Discrimination has no place here.
Safety is a primary goal of the tournament, and our focus on safety and injury avoidance comes before our focus on other aspects of the event.
Fencer’s Code of Conduct:
All fencers must conduct themselves in a manner that respects all parties present at the tournament. All fencers must refrain from loud exclamations, swearing, or any other form of potentially distracting behavior while they are associated with the tournament. All fencers must operate with the intent to not injure themselves or their opponents, and respect the limitations of HEMA gear in protection. If they wish to address the director during a match for any reason other than to announce a self call, they must use their second as a route to communication with the director.
Required Gear List:
A set of footwear that is non marking, low profile tread. Boots of any kind and shoes with hard edged soles are prohibited. If you have questions, contact tournament staff. This is non-negotiable due to venue requirements.
A set of fencing weapons appropriate for the tournament entered. Please contact event staff and refer to the published lists of event specific allowed weapons.
A mask designed for HEMA fencing that is free of dents, deformations or other structural flaws
Protection for the back of the head and neck.
A padded fencing jacket built to withstand 350 Newtons of puncturing force, and of sufficient padding to mitigate any serious injury caused by a strike with an appropriate fencing weapon to the covered area.
A gorget designed for hema that will intercept any strikes or thrusts that slide between the fencing jacket and mask.
Hard elbow protection, covering three points of articulation on the elbow.
Gloves for both hands designed to protect from and withstand strikes made by appropriate fencing weapons, that protect the hands and wrists.
A hard cup for fencers with testicles.
A hard breast protector for fencers with breasts.
Hard knee and shin protection.
Pants or other fabric that completely covers the upper legs and waist upwards from the knee protection.
All gear must fit well and be in good working order and will be inspected by tournament staff prior to fencing.
Any modification, replacement or removal of gear after the gear check must be approved by tournament staff.
A brief note on the nature of scoring in this tournament:
Unlike many tournaments, advancement into the elimination rounds of this event will be determined not by total number of wins, but rather by the average number of points scored against a fencer (henceforth known as “wounds”) in each match fought in pools. Therefore, to advance, it is incumbent upon all fencers to avoid receiving wounds. For more information, see the “structure of the tournament” section.
Scoring actions:
Any martial strike a fencer receives from the shoulder seam to the tip of the fingers shall be scored as one wound.
Any martial strike a fencer receives from the top of the ankle to the point of the hip shall be scored as one wound.
Any martial strike a fencer receives from the point of the hip to the top of the clavicle (excluding the arms) shall be scored as two wounds.
Any martial strike a fencer receives from the top of the clavicle upwards (known as the “upper opening”) shall be scored as two wounds.
A slicing cut a fencer receives, made with the sword firmly pressed into the target and traveling at least half the length of the blade or in a way that significantly moves the fencer shall be scored as one wound.
A pommel strike a fencer receives made with at least six inches of motion to the front or top of the mask shall be scored as one wound. Such a strike may be made while holding the sword with both one or two hands.
A buckler strike a fencer receives, made with at least six inches of motion to the front of the mask, shall be scored as one wound. Such a strike must be made with the buckler’s boss, and may not be struck with the buckler’s edge.
Any cut or thrust to the upper opening or body in which a fencer’s sword is controlled by any of their opponent’s weapons (sword or potentially buckler) or by grapple in such a way that the weapon’s motion is inhibited for a tempo shall be scored as four wounds.
Any exchange with a double hit or afterblow may not be awarded control.
A controlled grapple in which a fencer has a dominant position established on them by their opponent before the end of a period of five seconds (called by the director) shall be scored as four wounds.
The determination on dominant position shall be decided at the discretion of the judging team at the end of the five second period. Examples include: grapples that result in the opponent being forced into a compromised body position, losing control of their sword in a way that the fencer can take advantage of, wrapping of arms, etc.
Ring outs are not a scoring action. A ring out occurs when one of a fencer’s entire feet has touched the ground outside of the ring. The director will call “halt!” and reset the fencers in the case of a ring out.
What is a martial strike?
Martial strikes may include cuts or thrusts. Scoring actions include but are not limited to martial strikes; such actions as pommel strikes, grapples and slices have their own rules about martiality (see the scoring actions section).
A martial cut is a cut that has been made with at least 45 degrees of rotation, good edge alignment and with force sufficient to cause a serious wound, should the target be unarmored and should the weapon be sharp.
A martial thrust is a thrust that has traveled forward at speed before making contact with the target, with force sufficient to puncture should the target be unarmored and should the weapon’s tip be sharp.
Decisions on a strike’s martiality shall be made at the discretion of the judging team.
One handed strikes are allowed but are subject to all conditions regarding quality.
All martial strikes may be assessed to determine excessive force, with an emphasis on one handed strikes due to their inherent lack of control.
Scoring Exchanges:
Any grapple will be allowed to continue for five seconds, with the director audibly counting the seconds. At the end of the five seconds, the director will call “halt!” If any scoring actions were seen during the five seconds, the judges will call “point!” If not, the director will resume the match.
When a judge determines a scoring action has been made, they will loudly call “point!” The ring director will wait one second, and then loudly call “halt!” The fencers must stop fencing at the call of “halt!” not the call of “point!” The timekeeper will halt the clock at the call of “halt!”
When a fencer determines a scoring action has been made on them that was not called by the judges, they will loudly call “point!” The ring director will call “halt!” immediately.
Either fencer may self call a hit in ONLY the following ways:
A fencer may only call a hit during active fencing when they were the one hit.
A fencer may rule that they were hit when the judges rule no hit had been made.
A fencer may rule that a hit they struck was made without quality or that they did not hit at all.
The ring director will have the final say as to whether to accept the fencer’s judgment.
Should a fencer self call a hit, they must also announce the target of the hit to determine scoring.
The fencers must return to their side of the ring at the call of “halt!”.
If one of the judges called “point!”, the director will then ask all judges to indicate whether they saw contact in the following manner:
Each judge will indicate the fencer that struck the hit using the correspondingly colored baton held outwards towards said fencer.
If a judge did not see a hit, they will hold their batons downward in an x.
Double hits occur when both fencers strike each other at nearly the same time. Judges will indicate a double hit by pointing their batons outward at both fencers.
Afterblows are differentiated from double hits in that they do not occur at nearly the same time, but rather one hit is made distinctly after the other. Afterblows cannot occur after the call of “halt!” has been made by the director. Judges will indicate an afterblow by pointing their baton at the fencer that struck their hit first, and their other baton upwards.
After the judges determine whether a hit has occurred, the director will instruct the judges to indicate the score:
The judges should score the highest scoring target that was struck prior to any afterblows or the director’s call of “halt!”.
Judges will keep the baton used to indicate who struck the hit in the same position for scoring, and indicate score using the other baton.
A baton held to a judge’s arm indicates one wound (used for arm hits, leg hits, slices and pommel strikes).
A baton held to a judge’s upper chest indicates two wounds (used for head and body hits).
Both batons held by a judge downward in an x indicates no scoring action, either due to lack of hit or lack of quality.
Moving the off hand baton in a circular motion above the head of a judge indicates control wounds should be added, for controlled thrusts, cuts and grapples. Control points may not be awarded in the case of a double hit or afterblow.
A judge will remain with both batons held outwards to indicate a double hit. Double hits do not change the wound totals, however, a match will end and both fencers will receive the maximum number of wounds if three double hits occur in one match.
A judge will need to use their other baton to indicate score during an afterblow. An afterblow will score the first hit normally and add one wound to the total of the fencer struck with the afterblow.
The director will settle disagreement between judges based on these criteria:
If there is no disagreement on whether a type of hit has occurred or a majority of judges are in agreement, the director will determine contact based on the majority opinion.
In the event that the judges disagree evenly, the director will act as a tiebreaker to determine how contact was made. The director may also wash the exchange if the action is unclear.
In the event that the judges reach an agreement that wounds should be given to one fencer but differ on the target, the director will act as the tiebreaker to determine wounds. If the director is unsure about the target, they will use the lowest wound value target to determine value.
After making a determination of wounds scored, the director will announce the value of wounds received using the following wording: “Red/Blue fencer suffers 1/2/4 wounds!”
The scorekeeper will then record the wounds privately on the score sheet.
Once all potential scoring actions have been resolved, the director will resume the match with a call of “fence!” and the timekeeper will resume the clock.
Structure of the Tournament:
Pool Match Composition:
Competitors shall be divided as evenly as possible into pools of four, five or six fencers.
Each fencer will fence every other fencer in their pool for one match.
Prior to the beginning of each pool, the event organizers shall determine the order of matches, and ensure that each fencer fences in as few back to back matches as possible.
Every match will include one ring director and three judges (each using one red baton and one blue baton), as well as a medic (who may be managing multiple rings), timekeeper, and scorekeeper.
Round Protocol:
The rules shall be carried out in the pools phase the same way as in all subsequent phases, unless noted differently by the event staff or ruleset.
Each fencer will begin the match on opposing sides of the ring.
The match will begin with the ring director ordering the fencers to come to the center of the ring to touch the flats of their weapons together, after which the fencers will return to their sides of the ring.
The ring director will look to the scorer and timekeeper, and ask if they are ready, not continuing until a verbal affirmation. They will then ask the judges, and lastly both competitors.
The ring director will then motion for the match to begin, accompanied with the command “fence!” The fencers must begin fencing immediately at this command.
The ring director will call “halt!” as necessary to stop the motion of the fencers to issue points, warnings, or any other needed commands.
Time and End Criteria:
Each match will be fought to a limit of 9 wounds, or a lead of 6 wounds. Should one fencer reach this threshold, the match will end. A fencer cannot receive more than 9 wounds in a match.
Should a fencer lose based on the “lead of 6 wounds” criteria, they will be considered to have received 9 wounds.
After three double hits in a match, the match will end and both fencers will be considered to have received 9 wounds.
Each match will be fought to a time limit of 300 seconds (5 minutes), counting cumulatively from when the ring director issues a “fence!” command, until a “halt!” command. The clock stops when fencing is not in progress.
Should neither fencer reach the wound limit in the 300 second period, both fencers will be considered to have received 9 wounds in the match.
Should a match end before any of these criteria have been met, the number of wounds each fencer will be considered to have received for the match will be equal to the number of wounds they have received in the match up to that point.
Elimination Brackets:
Fencers shall be seeded based on the average number of wounds scored on them while in the pools, with the lowest average being the top seed.
In the event of a tie, the tiebreak criteria are as follows:
1: Matches won.
2: Total number of control points awarded. (higher wins)
3: Total number of warnings received. (lower wins)
4: Random measure. (such as a coin flip)
The event staff will determine the manner in which fencers advance.
In elimination brackets, fencers will begin the next match with the total of their doubles (but not afterblows) from the previous elimination bracket matches added to their wounds. In other words, if four doubles occurred in a fencer’s previous matches, the fencer will begin the match with four wounds. If both fencers have received doubles in their previous matches, the fencer with the higher number of doubles will have the sum of their opponent’s doubles subtracted from their total, and the fencer with the lower number of doubles will begin as normal. (In other words, if fencer A had four doubles against them and fencer B had three, fencer A would start with one wound and fencer B would start at 0 wounds).
Should both fencers in an elimination bracket match reach the wound threshold at the same time, sudden death will occur:
In the event that an exchange is scored as an afterblow in a way that brings both fencers to the wound threshold of 9 wounds, sudden death will occur.
The fencer that strikes the first clean hit in sudden death will advance. A hit with afterblow will not qualify to end the match.
Prior to the beginning of sudden death, the director will announce the win condition to clarify it for the fencers.
When a fencer reaches the wound threshold before their opponent in an elimination bracket match, they are eliminated from the tournament.
Finals and Semifinals:
As with the elimination brackets, finals fencers will begin the next match with the sum of their doubles from previous elimination bracket matches added to their wound totals.
The semifinals and finals matches will have a 360 second (6 minute) time limit and will be fought to 12 wounds. A 30 second break will occur 180 seconds (3 minutes) through the match. In the event that time expires and each fencer has the same amount of wounds, sudden death occurs, where the first scoring action wins.
All rules for sudden death from the eliminations phase apply to the finals and semifinals matches.
After the two semifinals matches, the two winners will move on to the first place/second place finals match, while the two losers will move on to the third place/fourth place finals match.
Penalties/Disallowed Actions
Penalties System:
The director may give penalties as they see fit, and are not limited to giving penalties for actions specifically mentioned in the restricted areas/disallowed actions list. However, directors will use the restricted areas/disallowed actions list as a framework to inform their issuance.
Not all warnings are created equal, and some warnings may result in more severe penalties than others.
The primary goal of warnings is to keep fencers safe. In an effort to avoid injury, the director may issue warnings more frequently or of more severity if continuous dangerous behavior is noted.
A fencer’s second is considered an extension of the fencer, and the director may award penalties based on the actions of their second.
Restricted Areas/Disallowed Actions:
The following are restricted areas that are not allowed to be struck:
From the top of the ankle downward.
The back of the head and neck.
Pommel strikes to any target except the front or top of the mask.
The spine, all the way down to the tailbone, and 6 inches on each side of the spine.
Presenting any of these areas in a way that exposes them to strikes is also not allowed.
Takedowns are not allowed.
Arm bars, joint locks, chokes or any grapples that may cause harm to fencers are not allowed.
Buckler strikes made with the edge of the buckler are not allowed.
Any strikes made with excessive force are not allowed.
Penalties may also be issued for the following:
Strikes after a halt has been called.
Repeated small offenses.
Arguing with the director.
Retaliation after a disallowed action.
Breaches of the code of conduct.
Any other actions the director deems worthy of a warning.
Tiers of Penalization:
Tier one (Yellow Card):
Verbal warning, no consequence.
Actions that may result in a yellow card are those deemed to be breaches of the warnings guidelines that are not dangerous or excessive. Multiple yellow cards for the same offense may result in a red card.
Tier two (Red Card):
Addition of three wounds scored on the offending fencer.
Actions that may result in a red card are repeated yellow card actions (throughout a single match) or those that are potentially dangerous or excessive.
Tier three (Black Card):
Forfeiture of match, expulsion from the tournament.
Actions that may result in a black card are repeated red card actions (throughout the tournament), any actions that demonstrate a disregard for the code of conduct, or actions that injure an opponent.
IFG Spring Fling: Tournament of Roses Rapier Ruleset
Written by Kai Eva, with thanks to everyone who provided feedback
General Rules
Required Gear List:
A set of footwear that is non marking, low profile tread. Boots of any kind and shoes with hard edged soles are prohibited. If you have questions, contact tournament staff. This is non-negotiable due to venue requirements.
A fencing weapon appropriate for the tournament entered. Please contact event staff and refer to the published lists of event specific allowed weapons.
A mask designed for HEMA or sport fencing that is free of dents, deformations or other structural flaws
Protection for the back of the head and neck.
A fencing jacket built to withstand 350 Newtons of puncturing force.
A gorget designed for hema that will intercept any strikes or thrusts that slide between the fencing jacket and mask.
Hard elbow protection, covering three points of articulation on the elbow.
Gloves for both hands made out of leather or some other durable material.
A hard cup for fencers with testicles.
A hard breast protector for fencers with breasts.
Hard knee and shin protection.
Pants or other fabric that completely covers the upper legs and waist upwards from the knee protection.
All gear must fit well and be in good working order and will be inspected by tournament staff prior to fencing.
Any modification, replacement or removal of gear after the gear check must be approved by tournament staff.
Match Rules
Each bout runs to 5 points or 90 seconds, whichever is first. The timer stops between exchanges.
There are no afterblows, points are awarded based on who lands a scoring action first.
Doubles wash the exchange.
If the score is tied 0-0 at the end of the 90 seconds, both fencers are awarded a loss.
Fencers are not allowed to acknowledge or decline strikes during the match. The director and judge will make their calls based on the intent and quality of the strike.
A fencer is out of bounds when one whole foot has touched the ground outside of the ring. The director will halt the action and reset fencers if one is out of bounds.
Advancing in the tournament
Advancing to eliminations is determined by a fencer’s indicator after pools. There will be two rounds of pools.
The indicator is calculated by the following chart:
Target | Action: Thrust | Action: Cut |
Head | 3 Points | 1 Point |
Torso | 3 Points | Invalid; doesn’t halt action |
Arm | 1 Point | |
Leg | 1 Point | 1 Point |
Penalties only apply to the indicator if the fencer received a red card.
Scoring Actions
Win | +2 |
Loss | -1 |
Doubles | |
Penalty | -.5 |
Only standing grapples lasting for at most three tempos are allowed. A standing grapple that lasts longer than three tempos ends the exchange with no points scored.
Invalid scoring actions:
Thrusts to the feet.
Cuts to the hand.
Cuts to the torso.
Any takedown.
Intentionally (or repeatedly) exposing the back of the head. Yellow card offense.
Excessive force. Red Card offense.
Taunting/chatter during the match. Yellow card offense.
Takedowns. Red card offense.
Any other actions which the director deems worthy of penalty
Carding system
Yellow card:
This is a warning. A repeated yellow card offense results in a red card.
Red Card:
1 point deducted from the offending fencer’s score and 1 point awarded to their opponent.
Black Card:
Immediate expulsion from the tournament. Used at director’s discretion.
IFG Spring Fling: Tournament of Roses Cutting Ruleset
This will be a “drop in” tournament format. There will be a window of time for each round, which participants will drop in when they have time and perform their round. Participants are expected to know when these time windows are, and to check HEMA Scorecard for their placement and to see if they made it to the next round.
The competitor must hold the sword pointed down at all times until indicated otherwise
The competitor may approach the stand(s) once indicated by the judge(s) and hold their sword regularly
Unless indicated otherwise, you, the competitor, must ensure that the judge is looking, and ready to score your cut. The judge has a lot to evaluate, therefore after each cut ensure the judge has finished scoring your cut and is indicating they are ready before you begin your next cut. If you perform your cut while the judge is not looking, they cannot evaluate your form and will be forced to award a “0”. If the competitor is unsure, they may ask if the judge is ready.
Once the competitor has finished the round, they step away from the stand, ensure the sword is pointed downwards to the floor, and return it to its designated home.
The Criteria:
There will be 2 scored criteria per round to evaluate the form of the competitor. Each criteria is dedicated to a certain aspect of the form:
Cutting form
Martial Form
Point Allocations:
All of the criterias will give each cut a score. 50% of the points come from the martial form criteria, 50% come from the cutting form criteria.
“5” indicates a good, to perfect cut
”3” indicates a minor deduction
”1” indicates a large deduction
”0” indicates near or actual failure, several critical mistakes
For exact criteria of what each criteria will be scoring for, see “Scoring Criteria” below.
Total Cut Score:
The Judge will tally both criteria to create a combined score.
For example, a “5” from the Cutting Form Criteria and a “3” from the Martial Form Criteria grants 8 points.
Giving a total score of 0:
If either the Cutting Form Criteria or the Martial Form Criteria awards a 0 for a cut, the total score will be reduced to 0 regardless of other criteria’s scores.
Cutting Form Criteria:
The Cutting Form Criteria also has additional penalties that can be applied. A minor penalty of -5, or a major penalty for -15. For more information on penalties, see “scoring criteria” below.
Martial Form Criteria:
The Martial Form Criteria evaluates the martial form of the competitor. A few examples of the unmartial behaviours they are looking for are:
Stepping way ahead of the cut
Over committing the shoulders before or after the cut
Any other behaviour that would be considered poor form during an actual fight.
For more details on what the Martial Form Criteria is looking for, see “Scoring Criteria” below.
Task Judge:
If a round requires the competitor to perform a certain task, there will be a task judge. The task judge will determine if the competitor’s performance fits the criteria of the round’s instructions.
Scoring Criteria:
Cutting Form Criteria:
The bottle is cut cleanly, and the top piece either remains on the stand, or topples over directly next to it.
The bottle is cut cleanly, but either of the cut pieces travel within ~3-5 feet of the stand.
The bottle is cut but barely, and either of the cut pieces fly more than 7+ feet from the stand & causing a large spray of water.
The bottle was not cut successfully
If the bottle “exploded.
The bottle itself goes flying without being cut in two.
Minor penalty
Missing the bottle entirely
Minorly clipping the stand
Clipping the edge or corner of the stand
Major Penalty
Hitting floor
Cutting directly into the stand
Each major penalty will give 1 warning to the competitor. Earning a major penalty will immediately end the round for the competitor If the competitor gets another major penalty, they will be ejected from the tournament.
Martial Form Criteria:
Strong spinal/hip structure with no preparatory motions, does not expose any weak parts of the body post-cut. Steps with the cut, not after.
Measured up as a preparatory action
Step slightly before the cut
Took a full step before initiating the cut
Large exposure of back or flank post-cut
Large windup prior to cut
Windup as in using pure musculature to pull back and “telegraph” a cut. Transitioning through a guard smoothly is not considered a windup.
Large deviation in knee structure & lower body stability
Presenting entire back to target via overleaning
Momentary loss of balance or structure
Each major penalty will give 1 warning to the competitor. Earning a major penalty will immediately end the round for the competitor If the competitor gets another major penalty, they will be ejected from the tournament.
Round Descriptions:
Round 1: Descending Cuts - Water Bottles:
Each participant will be asked to demonstrate 2 descending cuts from each side - at varying height levels (A mid and high height)
Round 2: Ascending Cuts - Water Bottles:
Each participant will be asked to demonstrate 2 Ascending cuts from each side
Cumulative scoring for rounds 1 & 2 will determine who will progress to round 3 (total number will depend on final registration count)
Round 3: Unique Cuts - Water Bottles:
Each participant will be asked to demonstrate 4 unique cuts that are different from those previously performed. False Edge Rising cuts are not allowed due to safety issues.
Round 4 & 5: Finals - Tatami & Water Bottles:
The top 3 from round 3 will move on to the finals. The final 2 rounds of the finals will be revealed at the event.
Scoring & Finals Placement:
This event is cumulative of all 5 rounds. Once all the rounds are completed, the total score will be determined by awarding points based on relative placement in each round. (1-4th)
1st place in a round will earn three points, 2nd place two points, 3rd one point.
The combined score of all 5 rounds will determine the placement of the 3 competitors for gold, silver and bronze.
Participation in the cutting tournaments represents a potential risk to participants/staff/ spectators, to include serious injury or death, as well as to equipment. Participants in the cutting tournaments are knowingly choosing to accept this risk of their own violation and understand that the Organizers and staff as well as the tournament organizers/staff are not responsible for any injury or damage to equipment that comes from actions of the participant. Participants also accept and acknowledge that the steps taken by the tournament staff to prevent those injuries are satisfactory and sufficient.
If a competitor conducts themselves in an unsafe manner placing themselves, staff, fellow competitors or spectators in danger, or behave in any way that the judges deem dangerous, they will be disqualified from the cutting events without further warning. Safety goes beyond the written rules of the event and requires common sense and respect for the dangers inherent in cutting with a sharpened sword. Examples (not all inclusive): Horseplay while holding a sharp sword (to include acting as cutting towards another person), losing control of the sword where another person is placed in danger (Dropping, “throwing” the sword).